GS-335: - Knie my suster se sensitiewe tepels en krom die tepels! - As jy die sensitiewe tepels van jou suster knie wat 'n middagslapie met deursigtige tepels neem, sal jy slaperig wees en jy sal nie weet dat jy jou broer is nie, en jy sal garnale warp tepels in erotiese modus hê! Eers toe ek dit ingevoeg het, het ek besef dat die ander party my broer was, en ek het gedink: 'Dit is sleg ...'
- Knead my sister's sensitive nipples and warp the nipples! - If you knead the sensitive nipples of your sister who is taking a nap with transparent nipples, you will be sleepy and you will not know that you are your brother, and you will have shrimp warp nipples in erotic mode! It wasn't until I inserted it that I realized that the other party was my brother, and I thought, "It's bad ..."