LULU-308: - Tydens oortyd kon ek nie die onbewuste groot eselprovokasie van my baas, wat laat was vir Arasa, wat streng was oor werk in die maatskappy met net twee mense, verduur nie, en toe ek dadelik vaginale skoot met my jong ondergeskikte Ji Po gehad het, was ek vir die eerste keer in 'n paar jaar onweerstaanbaar vir vaginale invoeging en het dadelik 'n spuit geword ○ ko. Waka Misono
- During overtime, I couldn't stand the unconscious big ass provocation of my boss, who was late to Arasa, who was strict about work in the company with only two people, and when I immediately vaginal shot with my young subordinate Ji Po, I was irresistible to vaginal insertion for the first time in several years and immediately became a squirt ○ ko. Waka Misono