START-101: [Bose vrou se afwykende versoeking] Ek kon op 'n afspraak gaan met die tandarts se ontvangsdame Mnr./Me. wat verlief was op my, maar hy wou my glad nie toelaat nie en met geweld seks gehad het, en dit sou die ergste einde wees ... Mana Sakura

[Evil woman's dissenting temptation] I was able to go on a date with the dentist's receptionist Mr./Ms. who had a crush on me, but he wouldn't let me at all and forcibly had sex, and it would be the worst ending ... Mana Sakura

Vrystellingsdatum: 07/11/2024
Looptyd: 120 min
Aktrise: Mana Sakura
Studio: SOD Create