MRXD-056: Is jy spyt dat jy dit gedoen het? Hopeloos? Sal jy dit doen? Wat doen ons? Wat was die verhouding daarna?! Kollegas, base en ondergeskiktes in die onderneming wat nie die lyn moet oorsteek nie As u die geleentheid het om op 'n sakereis te gaan, probeer om dit oor te steek! Rede? Konflik? As jy seks wil hê, doen dit! Want dit is wat mense is.
Do you regret doing it? Hopeless? Will you do it? What do we do? What was the relationship after that?! Colleagues, bosses, and subordinates in the company who should not cross the line If you have the opportunity to go on a business trip, try to cross it! Reason? Conflict? If you want to have sex, do it! Because that's what human beings are.