FTKD-008: Ek is die enigste seun by die skoonheidsalon wat ek ingeskryf het! Die instrukteurs en studente is almal meisies, en dit is normaal om in onderklere en naak in praktiese opleiding te wees! My yin kat ○ po, wat tydens die oefening 'n volle ereksie gekry het, blyk verbasend groot te wees, en almal is in estrus! ?? - Vir 'n belaglike hoerery skoollewe!
I'm the only boy at the beauty salon I entered! The instructors and students are all girls, and it is normal to be in underwear and naked in practical training! My yin cat ○ po, which got a full erection during the practice, seems to be surprisingly big, and everyone is in estrus! ?? - For a ridiculous fornication school life!