OYC-180: Beperk tot die Bulma-afskaffingsgenerasie! Mnr./Me. 'n jong dame wat stad toe gaan! Hoekom dra jy nie bloeiers nie? 80 se ervaringsmonitor vir moderne meisies! Hoekom durf jy nie bloeiers dra wat nou op die rand van uitwissing is nie? - Bloos onwillekeurig in bloeiers wat meer verleentheid is as wat ek gedink het! Pronk met jou groot gat! Alhoewel ek skaam was, het ek die sjarme verloor om 'n beloning by te voeg, en uiteindelik ...
Limited to the Bulma abolition generation! Mr./Ms. a young lady going to the city! Why don't you wear bloomers? 80's experience monitor for modern girls! Why don't you dare to wear bloomers that are on the verge of extinction now? - Blushing involuntarily in bloomers that are more embarrassing than I imagined! Show off your big ass! Although I was shy, I lost the charm of adding a reward, and finally ...