IENE-899: - As ek my bedrywige suster gehad het wat my jammer gekry het omdat ek nie Sae, kaal dye gehad het met die belofte om dit net te vryf nie, sou dit vir ons albei te gemaklik wees, en Mako sou kriewelrig wees! - Gladde rou invoeging! "Wat!? Is jy in?" - Maar ek kan nie ophou en vaginale skoot nie! 2
- If I had my busty sister who pityed me for not having Sae, bare thighs with the promise of "just rubbing it", it would be too comfortable for both of us, and Mako would be squishy! - Slippery raw insertion! "What!? Are you in?" - But I can't stop and vaginal shot! 2