HUNTA-512: Die CA bachelor slaapsaal wat vir mans verbode is, is vol gefrustreerde pragtige meisies, en ek is die enigste man! Toe my swaer, wat op die platteland woon, in my suster se bachelor-slaapsaal in CA in die stad gebly het, is ek maklik deur ander inwoners gevind! Enkele CA Mnr./Me. wat besig is met werk en geen uitlaatklep vir seksuele begeerte het nie, is reeds op die grens van rede vir Ji Po voor hulle! Een...

The CA bachelor dormitory that is forbidden for men is full of frustrated beautiful girls, and I'm the only man! When my brother-in-law, who lives in the countryside, stayed at my sister's bachelor dormitory in the city, I was easily found by other residents! Single CA Mr./Ms. who are busy with work and have no outlet for sexual desire are already at the limit of reason for Ji Po in front of them! One...

Vrystellingsdatum: 11/07/2018
Looptyd: 215 min
Studio: Hunter