GDHH-160: 'n Wonderwerk ontvou by 'n deeltydse skool vol voormalige spiesmanne! Al die meisies is in uniform, maar hul ouderdomme is anders! En ek is die enigste man! By die deeltydse skool wat ek bywoon, is dit verpligtend om 'n uniform volgens die skoolreëls te dra! Meisies van verskillende geslagte kom na die klas in hul skooldrag, so elke dag is opwindend! Wat meer is, almal was vroeër 'n ...

A miracle unfolds at a part-time school full of former spearmen! All the girls are in uniform, but their ages are different! And I'm the only man! At the part-time school I attend, it is mandatory to wear a uniform according to the school rules! Girls of various generations come to the class in their school uniforms, so every day is exciting! What's more, everyone used to be a ...

Vrystellingsdatum: 07/19/2019
Looptyd: 230 min
Studio: Golden Time